Expat Couseling Vienna


... finding your balance and grounding when you feel lost and disconnected.




Paartherapie Wien Margot Davidson Couple Therapy


... finding your balance and grounding when you feel lost and disconnected.





As a qualitified Counsellor and Psychotherapist, I believe in the healing power of a confidential and supportive therapeutic relationship.
I provide time and space to consider your life from a new perspective and help you to make better sense of your experiences, thoughts and emotions in order to understand yourself better, discover meaning and explore options available to you in the present moment. This will bring greater awareness of choice and autonomy and enable you to find your own solutions.

Within the safe and non-judgmental space of the therapeutic session, you can explore personal problems and painful experiences at your own pace.

My clients are diverse in terms of age, gender, sexual ordination and ethnicity. I have listed some issues I commonly work with but the list is not exhaustive and I would be happy to discuss my experience working in a particular area on enquiry:

• Relationship with self and with others
• Periods of change and life transitions
• Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Insomnia
• Addictions
• Depression
• Grief and bereavement
• Identity and self esteem
• Loneliness, isolation
• Self harm/Suicidal thoughts
• Childhood Abuse (emotional, sexual and physical)

I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.

I will not heal you,
For I see you, in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness
as you remember your light.


I am committed to continuous learning and professional development and regularly undertake trainings in the latest psychotherapeutic methods. I particularly make use of the cutting-edge approaches 'Sensorimotor Psychotherapy', 'Internal Family Systems (IFS)' and 'Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)'


Sensorymotor Psychotherapy (SP) is a therapeutic modality for trauma and attachment issues developed by Pat Ogden, PhD. It welcomes the body as an integral source of information which can guide resourcing and the accessing and processing of challenging, traumatic, and developmental experience. SP is a holistic approach that includes somatic, emotional, and cognitive processing and integration.

By focusing awareness on a person’s present experience, especially body sensations and movement, the client and therapist can together work through the “here and now” to effect deep change that actually alters the way information is processed in the brain.

SP is helpful in working with dysregulated activation and other effects of trauma, as well as the limiting belief systems of developmental issues. It can therefore help with issues such as:

- Anxiety
- Having difficulty concentrating due to fear or upsetting thoughts
- Intense and disturbing emotional reactions that seem out of place with the present situation
- Post-traumatic stress: flashbacks, nightmares, Feeling frozen or stuck in familiar circumstances without understanding why
- Difficulty enjoying life or feeling hopeful
- Relationship related wounds: neglect, harsh parenting during childhood, divorce
- Persistent and regular negative thoughts about one's self
- Difficulty maintaining a job, a family, friendships and other relationships
- Feeling detached from one’s self and the world

In this short clip, Pat Ogden, PhD speaks about working with a client with anxiety and using the wisdom of the body as a powerful ressource for regulation of the nervous system:


Internal Family Systems (IFS) method is a way to understand your internal system and helps it transform and heal. IFS is based on the principle that there is an undamaged, resourceful self at the core of every person and that accessing and working with that self is a safe, effective way to heal other, hurt parts of the mind.

One cannot discover new oceans
unless (s)he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.


Living abroad as an expatriate can be exciting. But sometimes, starting again in a foreign country can feel like an emotional roller coaster: the hoped-for experiences and excitement getting mixed with negative feelings of loneliness and anxiety, as you are faced with a brand-new reality.

From the sense of disconnection due to ‘culture shock’ and language barrier to feelings of homesickness as you are separated from your ‘cultural’, ‘spiritual’ or ‘family’ homeland, expats can easily succumb to stress and mental health issues.

As an expat myself, I have lived in five different countries, and as a qualified Psychotherapist, I can relate to your experience.

I have experience in supporting you with the following topics:

  • Feelings of disconnection, not belonging or being on the outside
  • Difficulty adjusting to the new culture
  • Feeling homesick and isolated missing well-loved famil(iarit)y and familiar faces and places that help you feel grounded
  • Struggling to make relationships work: either your long-distance relationship or your relationships with your partner or your children
  • Stress when you are the working Expat: Pressure of being the sole bread winner combined with high expectations of yourself to perform as well as additional emotional issues of being an expat.
  • Stress when you are the non-working Expat partner: with no work to ‘structure’ your daytime, there are challenges to build new routines, find purpose, feel fulfilled and have a balanced relationship with your partner.

The way that I work is, that I'm interested in you: your difficulties and your life transitions. I provide an open, safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment in which you can explore all the issues which may be troubling you -  my practice room is a safe space to explore, reflect, experiment and play. You won't have to talk about anything or do anything that you don't want to.

You may come to feel some of your issues can be changed, some can be accepted, all can be understood..


Have your lives changed due to moving places, founding a family or other demands? And have these changes become a challenge for your relationship that you feel you cannot solve on your own? Challenges and tensions are very normal and common in relationships.
It is important though to find a way out of the crisis and to develop a new understanding for one another.

I offer Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT), which is currently the most effective, empirically validated couple therapy method worldwide. What a competent EFT couple therapist can do, is to explore the deeper emotions, needs and longing underlying repetitive patterns of negative interaction. These don’t get usually expressed, because the efforts to resolve often escalate so quickly. Focusing on these unexpressed aspects, allows each person to develop a deeper understanding of the other, the couple bond is strengthened, goodwill improves and the couple‘s stress is transformed into trust and connection.

When the wind of change blows,
some build walls and others windmills. 


If you want to give it a try, why not give me a call or send me an email so that I can answer any other questions you may have and then we can arrange a session.

 The initial assessment session (duration: 50mins) will be a bit different to other sessions as this will be for us to meet and get to know each other, work through any questions you may have and also discuss your expectations for the therapy with me.  During the session I will also ask you for information on what has brought you to me and some other questions to help me identify the most appropriate way for us to work together.  

Hopefully by the end of the session you will have a good sense of if therapy is for you and if you want to proceed working with me. Since psychotherapy research has shown, that the first session is having a decisive influence on the success of the further course of therapy, the first session will be charged at the same price as the subsequent sessions.

In case we start our therapeutic work together, I offer you a fixed weekly appointment. The duration of a session is 50 minutes and costs are payable by bank transfer. A partial reimbursement of psychotherapy via the (Austrian) public health service ('Krankenkasse') is possible.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

About me

Paartherapie Wien Margot Davidson Couple Therapy Expat counseling psychotherapy


Born in Hollabrunn in 1977 and raised in Vienna, I have lived abroad with my two children and my partner for the last 14 years (Angola, Bulgaria, Spain and UK). After completing my studies in economics and working in marketing, I decided to take a different path; I studied for a BA in Psychology (Open University, UK), followed by an in MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy (Metropolitan University, London) and then founded my own psychotherapy practice in London for several years.

Because of my personal journey, I can relate closely to the circumstances of living in a foreign country, a new culture and to the challenges this can bring to oneself and your intimate relationships.

My main work focus is, therefore, to support you in experiencing safe, lively and moving relationships in connection with yourself, your life partner and others – no matter if abroad or at home.

1. Gestalt Psychotherapy
2. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy
3. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for attachment trauma

4. Internal Family Systems Psychotherapy (IFS)
5. Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)

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Mag. Margot Davidson MA - PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIN in WIEN - Gussenbauergasse 1/19, 1090 Wien, T:0043(0)677/63751655 E:margot@davidson.wien | Impressum&DSGVO